Dad needs to be Qui-Gon

I think that in my off time in between MTAC and Comic Con (which is to say, in between April and July), I’m going to make my dad a Qui-Gon Jinn costume. He rented a jedi costume back for Halloween 2000 and made a good Qui-Gon, so I know he wouldn’t mind doing it again. That way whenever I need to go to events and stuff and can’t get Ash or Cath to go with me, I might could talk Qui-Gon into it šŸ™‚
So, so far, list of in-progress and planned:

Katsucon 2004:
Manga Belldandy (40% done)
Honda Tohru (20% done)

MidSouthCon/MTAC 2004 (these are two weekends in a row):
Jack Sparrow (got a wig, got a pattern and that’s it)
Ozma of Oz (got a wig, got a pattern, and that’s it… again)

Comic-Con 2004
Phoenix from X-Men (got a wig.)
Imperial Officer from Star Wars (I got nothing. hee.)

Dragoncon 2004
Bespin Leia (nothing)
Secret Costume (nothing)

Etc (Halloween, random, etc)
Megara from Hercules (nothing)
Arwen’s Hope Dress (I have the purple fabric, of course)
Lessa of Pern (nothing)
Link for my cousin (I have the tunic finished, I need to finish his accessories)
Qui-Gon for my dad (nothing)

Ash is thinking about Jack Sparrow, Imperial Officer and maybe an X-Wing pilot.